The Gnostic Spiritual Alliance was founded on December 15th, 2021, in Independence, Missouri, by a group of dedicated Gnostic Aspirants with the sole purpose to disseminate the Gnostic Teachings.
The Gnostic Spiritual Alliance is an Esoteric School. It is part of a worldwide Gnostic Movement. We aim to help humanity in these times of turmoil and uncertainty, by transmitting the Practical Aspects of the Gnostic Teachings, without distinction of race, religion or creed. Our free courses are designed to be understood by anyone. The student receives all the basic information, both in theory and practice, so each person can experience on their own these Teachings.
Our School and Instruction is organized in 4 levels:
Introductory Level (online)
Level A (online or in person)
Level B (online or in person)
Level Advanced B (in person only)*
Level C (member level, in person only)*
*Special arrangements can be made to visit persons at the distance to receive the benefits of this Level Training.

Each level should be completed in full before the student is advanced to the next one, until they reach the membership level (Level C). Membership is not required, and the student is free to advance as far as they wish. Our primary goal is to share the Practical Aspects of the Gnostic Teachings, help the student reach a good level of understanding, and provide guidance to incorporate it into one’s daily life no matter where they live or the circumstances.
The Gnostic Spiritual Alliance is a non-profit organization; our School and its mission is sustained by the voluntary donations from all the students, either financially or by volunteer work through our public activities to disseminate the TEACHINGS.